The Art of Brewing: the Perfect Cup of Organic Tea

Dec 3, 2023
Organic Loose Leaf Tea Brewing

Dear tea lovers, if you have ever imagined becoming a tea master, here's where your journey begins. Wondering how? The beauty of every single cup of tea starts with one simple yet important step called tea brewing.

Tea brewing is a practice that extends far beyond the act of pouring hot water over leaves. It's a journey, an experience, and a connection to cultures and traditions. On the other hand, the art of brewing a perfect cup of tea is not as hard as you think. With some tea, tea ware and also with a proper guideline, you will be as good as an experienced tea master.

This guide on tea brewing will take you through the fundamentals of tea brewing. From the basics of tea to understanding the importance of water temperature and steeping times, all the details are covered in this. Further, this will also introduce you to the tools and techniques that transform a handful of leaves into a cup of liquid goodness.

As a tea lover, remember that tea brewing is not just a simple act of making a cup of tea. It's an opportunity to cultivate mindfulness and to find moments of tranquility amidst the chaos of life.

Understanding the Basics of Tea

Tea begins its journey as a simple leaf plucked from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Tea has crossed many boundaries from this simple origin, and today, we can find it in almost every corner of the globe.

So, when understanding the basics of tea, first, you need to know the main tea types. The five main types of tea come from the single tea plant – green, black, white, oolong and Pu erh, each with unique characteristics. However, these are not the only kinds originating from this iconic plant. Relating to these five types, there are thousands of tea types, each with its own personality.

White tea, a rarity, undergoes minimal processing and is renowned for its subtle flavours and delicacy. Green tea remains almost similar to its natural form and imparts a vegetal, sweet character when brewed. Oolong tea strikes a balance between green and black, presenting an orchestra of flavours. Black tea shines bright with its bold characteristics and is the most popular among the rest. Pu erh teas, on the other hand, age like fine wine surprises with its deep, earthy complexity.

The diversity in tea arises from the art of processing, where leaves are withered, oxidised, dried, and sometimes even fermented.

Understanding the Basics of Tea Processing

The process starts in the tea gardens, where skilled hands gently pluck the tender leaves and buds. Some producers even follow machine harvesting as well. Once plucked, the leaves undergo various steps to bring out their distinct personalities. Simply put, regardless of its type, each tea goes through a certain degree of withering.

After withering, dark teas like black or Pu erh will directly go for a rolling stage, while other teas, like green teas, will go for a steaming or pan-firing process & then into rolling. After rolling comes the oxidation stage. This, again, is highly specific to each tea type. Some teas, like green tea or white tea, remain unoxidised, retaining their natural vibrancy. In contrast, black tea or Pu erh tea undergoes full oxidation, producing a robust, bold flavour. The drying stage of tea leaves comes after the rolling, which marks the end of all major processing stages of tea manufacturing.
Water Quality: The Elixir of Exceptional Tea
Water plays a critical role in brewing tea, which is often overlooked but never underestimated. For the perfect cuppa, the quality of water matters as much as the tea leaves themselves. So here are some tips on how your water should brew a perfect cup of tea.

• Water should be fresh and clean, free from impurities
• It should be free from minerals or chemicals that might influence the taste
• Avoid hard waters that contain excessive minerals, which could mask the delicate flavours of your tea.
• It is ideal if you can use filtered water, spring water, or water that has been purified to remove any potential contaminants.

Right Temperature 

Organic Loose Leaf Tea being measured out
The temperature of the water is another essential factor. Different types of tea thrive at specific temperatures. For some teas, like delicate green teas, only gentle warmth is required, while others, like black tea, require temperatures near boiling point.

If you are not familiar with the ideal temperature levels to brew your tea, always check the packaging where the producer indicates the perfect temperature levels to brew your tea.

However, if you are new to all these tea brewing things, you might be wondering how to precisely control these water temperature levels. Not to worry & we've got you covered. Most modern tea kettles have built-in thermometers to indicate exact temperature levels. If not, here's a little tea hack to tackle this.

If you are brewing black tea, leave the kettle to boil. Turn off the heat and wait for about half to one minute before pouring the water for brewing. On the other hand, if you are brewing green tea, let the boiled water cool down for around 05 - 10 minutes and start brewing tea. These tricks might not ensure the precious temperature levels, but they are still close enough to do the job.

In essence, water is the life force of tea brewing. It's the silent partner that, when pure and at the right temperature, ensures the tea you brew becomes a masterpiece and is ready to awaken your senses.

The proper tea-to-water ratio is equally important

The proper tea-to-water ratio is akin to the delicate balance of ingredients. It's the secret that determines the proper balance of your brew's strength, flavours, and character. Too much tea and your cup might become overpowering. In contrast, with too little tea, it might taste more plain and watery.

The general norm here is one teaspoon of tea leaves per person, or one cup of tea. But you can also refer to the producer's specifications on the packaging.

Understanding the steeping times

Tea steeping is not merely about dipping leaves into hot water; it's a matter of patience and precision. Steeping time is another important factor, as we need to allow proper duration for hot water to extract tea components. The steeping time varies for different teas. For instance, you should not steep a cup of green tea as long as you steep a cup of black tea. Likewise, there are a few guidelines to follow.

Steep too long, and the brew may turn bitter; too short, and you'll miss out on the full spectrum of taste. It's a delicate balance, but with practice, you'll learn to perfect the steeping for your chosen tea, bringing forth its nuances and aromas.
You can easily get this information from the manufacturer's specifications provided on the packaging. Here's a glimpse of the varying steeping times for some common tea varieties:

• Green Tea: Delicate and light Organic Green tea requires a short steeping time of 2-3 minutes. Longer steeping can result in bitterness, so keep an eye on the clock.
• Black Tea: Robust and full-bodied, Organic Black tea can stand up to a longer steep, typically around 3-5 minutes. Adjust the time for your desired strength.
• White Tea: Subtle and nuanced,  Organic white tea is often steeped for 2-5 minutes. It's essential to take your time with this delicate brew.
• Oolong Tea: With its complex flavours, oolong tea benefits from a medium-length steep of 3-5 minutes. However, some varieties may require shorter or longer times.
• Pu-erh Tea: This fermented tea can handle an extended steeping time of 4-6 minutes or even more. It gets better with age, much like fine wine.
• Herbal Tea: Herbal infusions vary widely, but most can be steeped for 5-7 minutes. However, check the specific recommendations for your chosen herbs.
• Fruit Infusions: Fruity teas and tisanes often need 5-7 minutes to extract their juicy flavours.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and the exact steeping time can vary based on factors like tea quality, leaf size, and personal preference. As you explore the world of tea, don't be afraid to experiment and fine-tune your steeping times.

The Art of Serving

Serving & enjoyment is the grand finale, where the art of brewing transforms into a delightful sensory experience. After carefully steeping your tea, the next step is very straightforward. Gently pour the brewed tea into your teapot or serving vessel, leaving behind the tea leaves.

Serving your tea can be as simple as pouring it into a cup or as elaborate as a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. Take a moment to appreciate the rich hues, fragrant aromas, and the promise of a comforting sip.

The serving and enjoyment step can be as simple as sharing a tea with your partner or hosting an elegant afternoon tea party for a crowd. Along with the  Organic Herbal tea, please ensure to set up a matching ambience for your guests if it is a tea party or even a private tea moment.

Unique Styles of Tea Brewing

Organic Green Tea Being Poured

As you begin this tea journey, it is essential to know some unique brewing styles prevailing in the world of tea. Different tea brewing styles have evolved over centuries to bring out the unique qualities of each tea. Two prominent styles are Western-style brewing and Gong Fu Cha brewing, each offering distinct approaches to the tea-making process.

1. Western Style Brewing:

Western-style tea brewing generally involves a single steeping cycle and comparatively long brewing times. The brewing information we discussed throughout the article is somewhat related to Western-style brewing. In brief, the details are as follows.

• Tea Type: Western brewing is often preferred for black teas, herbal infusions, and some oolongs.
• Method: The tea leaves are placed in a teapot or infuser. Hot water is added, and the leaves are steeped for a specific time, typically 3-5 minutes.
• Tea-to-Water Ratio: A standard teaspoon of tea leaves per cup is common.
• Steeping Time: Steeping times are relatively consistent, allowing for easy preparation.
• Vessel: Teapots, teacups, and infusers are common vessels.

2. Gong Fu Cha Brewing

Gong fu cha, or the Chinese-inspired tea brewing style, might be complicated for some, especially if you have been practicing Western-style brewing for a while. However, tea experts also appreciate this brewing style, as it explores the full spectrum of flavours in your tea leaves. Here's how to do it.

• Tea Type: Gong Fu Cha is commonly used for oolong and pu-erh teas, where precise control over infusion is crucial.
• Method: This is a highly ritualised Chinese method. Tea leaves are placed in a small teapot or gaiwan, and multiple short infusions (often less than a minute each) are performed.
• Tea-to-Water Ratio: A higher ratio of tea leaves to water is used to extract flavours over multiple infusions.
• Steeping Time: Very short, often starting with just a few seconds and gradually increasing.
• Vessel: Gaiwans, Yixing teapots, and small cups are common Gong Fu tea tools.

While Western brewing is convenient and ideal for many teas, Gong Fu Cha offers an intricate and sensory-rich experience. Further, it allows tea enthusiasts to explore the nuances of flavours through multiple infusions. The choice of brewing style depends on the type of tea, personal preferences, and the desired tea-drinking experience.


The art of brewing is a profound journey that takes us from the basics of boiling water to the depths of mindfulness. As we've explored the fundamentals, from the basics of tea to understanding the importance of water temperature, ratio, steeping, and serving,.

Tea brewing is all about staying mindful and enjoying it. So, whether you're new to the world of tea or a seasoned enthusiast, remember that every cup you brew is an opportunity to indulge in the simple yet profound art of tea-making.

Whether it's a morning ritual, an afternoon break, or an evening unwind, tea brewing is a practice that brings you joy and comfort. It's a practice that nurtures both the body and the soul, making every sip a celebration of life's simplest and most exquisite pleasures. So, stay focused and enjoy that cup of tea!

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