The Ultimate Guide on Tea from Darjeeling: A Journey to Serenity!

Jan 10, 2024
Darjeeling tea farm and the workers
In the misty hills of Darjeeling, a tea tale unfolds.

In the 19th century, British explorers stumbled upon a treasure: the world-renowned Darjeeling tea. This precious tea carried a unique aroma and champagne-like flavour compared to many other tea types.

Today, the legacy continues as the best Darjeeling tea symbolises elegance and excellence, offering tea lovers a sensory journey like no other. Join us as we delve into the enchanting world of tea from Darjeeling and discover the artistry and allure hidden within each cup.

What kind of tea is Darjeeling tea?

‘Camellia Sinensis’, cultivated and processed in the Kalimpong or Darjeeling districts of West Bengal, India, is the primary ingredient of Darjeeling tea. Although the tea is processed as black tea, some estates have increased the range of products they provide by adding leaves that may be used to make green, white, and oolong teas.

If we take a closer look at black tea, the most popular one, Darjeeling black tea, is produced in West Bengal, India, in the Darjeeling region. It differs from other black teas from India, including Assam. You may remember our earlier article on thick and robust Assam milk tea. But here, the attributes are totally contrasting. Darjeeling tea has an iconic light and crispy flavour profile, followed by a beautiful floral & fruity scent.

What makes Darjeeling tea so special?

The first fact that comes to mind could be its sensational flavour. Yet, there are several reasons why Darjeeling tea is unlike any other:

Unique Ecosystem: The tea plant is grown and processed in the Darjeeling or Kalimpong districts of West Bengal, India. This area lies in the Himalayan foothills and offers a unique climate and soil. This unique ecosystem imparts distinctive flavours and aromas in the tea leaves.

Champagne of Teas: Darjeeling tea has earned itself the nickname "Champagne of Tea." The tea's elegant and refined taste has backed this endorsement.

Flushes or Seasonal Production: Darjeeling tea is harvested during different growth periods, known as "flushes". These growth seasons produce teas with varying taste profiles. Each flush brings its own charm, from the delicate and floral first flush to the fuller-bodied second flush.

Limited Harvest: Darjeeling tea is considered a premium tea with limited availability due to its specific geography and limited harvesting periods. This feature makes it all the more sought-after.

Health Benefits: Darjeeling tea may be easily included in a healthy diet due to its low-calorie content and minimal maintenance requirements. This tea is rich in antioxidants and carries many other benefits inherited by tea as a brew.

Diversity of Varieties: While Darjeeling tea is primarily known as black tea, the region also produces green and oolong variants, showcasing the versatility of the tea plant.

For these and other reasons, tea connoisseurs around the globe regard Darjeeling as among the finest available varieties.

Is Darjeeling tea the best tea in the world?

Darjeeling Tea has a reputation for being pristine in its attributes. The crisp and floral brew and soothing aroma are some irresistible features of this iconic tea. The tea's seasonality and limited production add an element of rareness to the picture.

As we discussed earlier, Darjeeling tea is rich in many health benefits. Considering all these facts, one could endorse Darjeeling tea as the best tea in the world. But still, these opinions may vary, so let's keep sipping this incredible tea and enjoying it!

How to brew Darjeeling tea?

Brewing Darjeeling tea is a simple yet delightful process that allows you to unlock the tea's full flavour potential. Here are a few tips to get your brewing adventure going:

1. Bring the water to a boil: Start with fresh water and bring it to a boil.

2. Measure the Tea: Use approximately one teaspoon of Darjeeling tea for a standard cup. Adjust the quantity based on the strength you prefer. Be cautious when selecting the tea; remember to source it from a reliable supplier. Opt for high-quality loose-leaf Darjeeling tea, as it preserves the tea leaves' integrity and ensures a richer flavour experience.

3. Start brewing: Let the water cool down a bit before brewing. Add the tea leaves to a separate pot and pour in the boiled water. Let the tea steep for 3-4 minutes.

4. Strain and serve: Strain the tea leaves, pour into your favourite tea set, and serve. With a dash of honey or lemon, you can enhance the enjoyment.

What are the best teas from Darjeeling?

Now, you must want to know about the best Darjeeling tea types. Below are some of the most popular and demanded Darjeeling teas, and at Finest Organic Tea Company, we've got all these covered.

1. Organic Darjeeling 1st Flush ("Phuguri" White Downy Luxury): Celebrated for its exquisite taste and delicate aroma, this premium tea is harvested during the first plucking of the season. It captures the essence of the misty Himalayan hills in every sip. It's an exceptional pure white tea from the "Phuguri" tea garden in Darjeeling. Get ready for a sensory delight like no other. Try Now!

2. Organic Darjeeling FTGFOP 1 Spring Valley:
Darjeeling FTGFOP 1 is a premium grade of tea that stands for "Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe 1." The name might sound complicated, but simply remember this as one of the finest-quality teas in the Darjeeling universe. The tea contains delicate, whitish leaves and abundant golden tips, demonstrating its premium features. The flavours, on the other hand, are exceptional in their floral attributes. Try Now!

3. Organic Darjeeling FTGFOP First Flush:
Darjeeling FTGFOP is another premium-grade tea, and the abbreviations stand for "Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe." It represents high-quality, whole-leaf tea with a high proportion of golden tips. This tea also exhibits delicate and refined flavour characteristics, which are sought after by tea enthusiasts worldwide. Try Now!


In conclusion, tea from Darjeeling is a truly remarkable gift from Mother Nature. Its delicate and distinct flavours, leaf styles, and mesmerising fragrances make it a tea lover's delight.

Apart from the flavour, many other factors make this tea truly special. Health benefits and rarity in production are a few such examples.

We hope you have embarked on a flavourful journey and remember these tea secrets throughout your journey. Remember to embrace the sensational flavours of this magical tea as you walk through the tea universe.

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